Payments are made via PayPal or bank wire transfer.PayPal is a preferred method.35% advance is compulsory before starting any work.
I send quotes on per project basis.Every project is unique, hence pricing is unique too.Shoot me a message and we will go from there.
Of course.I order to create your product in 3D I need to know what it looks like.Photos, sketches, scribbles, napkin drawings, written descriptions, all of it helps.The more references the better!
Yes.And Yes.
After I receive a brief and we agree on pricing and time-line we begin work on the first iteration.First iteration gets us to 35% of the finished work. This is when we determine if we are on the same page.Second iteration addresses feedback from the first iteration and, hopefully, gets us to about 75%.Third iteration polishes the second and gets us to the final stage, 90% done.Fourth is just for final polishing, final high res exports and other technical stuff.Clear communication and precise feedback are very much appreciated at any stage of the project, no matter how simple or complex the project is.
No biggie.You get your money back.That easy.